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WWS Series on Business and Human Rights

WWS Series 3
This publication outlines the historical context in which the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights evolved. It summarizes the Guiding Principle’s framework: Protect, Respect, Remedy, and names the relevant human rights treaties and covenants. It gives an overview on the relevant questions that might arise in the different departments of a company, depending on the activity and the countries of its operations.
The UN Guiding Principles on Business And Human Rights

WWS Series 2
Sustainable Logistics gives an overview of the international standards of sustainability as well as their implementation in the logistics industry. The description of sustainable practices includes a variety of issues in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment, anticorruption, and philanthropy.
Sustainable Logistics
Best Lessons from the Global Compact

WWS Series 1
These Ten Steps outline the necessary activities for the successful implementation of a sustainability strategy. It shows how this implementation is a comprehensive, long- term process that involves many different stakeholders, measures, and issues: which together lead to a continuous restructuring of how a business operates.
Ten Steps Toward a Sustainable Business
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