Doing Business Right -
Five Years of United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights -
Experiences from Early Adopting Companies
WWS Series 5
The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights assign specific duties, responsibilities and rights to governments, businesses and the victims of human rights abuses. This paper describes what initiatives followed the approval and presents exemplarily, how five companies from five different sectors began to put these principles into action with different initiatives, challenges and lessons learned.
WWS Series on Business and Human Rights

WWS Series 6
Reconciling Work and Life describes the long history of women as food providers, and the very short history of women as housewives and mothers. It discusses the down- side of the traditional family model, and the current challenges of “having it all”—and it presents the successes and challenges Germany has experienced in its efforts to rec- oncile work and family life.
Reconciling Work and Life -
Experiences from Germany

WWS Series 4
German businesses immediately responded to then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s appeal to join a Global Compact by upholding internationally recognized norms in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption. This publication describes best practices, challenges, and unresolved issues of German businesses committed to the Global Compact.
Participating in the Global Compact -
Best Lessons from German Businesses
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